A. Any student who wishes to form part of the MEI Generation 2019-2021 must be available for school activities Monday-Friday from 9 am to 1 pm.
A. If your ‘titulo y certificado’ are from Mexico, they are already ‘debidamente legalizado’. However, if you have documents from a foreign country, they need to have an ‘apostile’ from the country of origin.
A. Your language proficiency certification doesn’t need to come from the Facultad de Lenguas, BUAP. We accept any internationally recognized test result from any authorized testing center. Some tests take a long time to provide results, but other tests provide results almost instantaneously; for example, the Cambridge BULATS exam is widely available around Puebla (administered several times a week) and provides next-day results.
A. Your letter of recommendation should come from one of your former professors working in higher-education, comment on the qualities that you possess that will facilitate yours success in a Master’s program, be around half a page to one page in length, be addressed to ‘The MEI Selection Committee’ or ‘To whom it may concern’. The letter may be written in Spanish or English.
A. If you are a BUAP graduate, the Departamento de Administracion Escolar (DAE) will provide you with this constancia. The cost is around 20 pesos. No other document will be accepted from BUAP graduates. B. If you are a graduate from a different institution, we encourage you to investigate the department of Servicios Escolares from your institution provides a similar constancia. If not, we will accept the promedio from your ‘certificado’. C. We understand that BUAP students are sometimes frustrated by the necessity to acquire this extra constancia when your promedio is already on your certificado; however, the BUAP requires the MEI to require you to provide us with this constancia. We ask for your understanding, and we must insist that you provide us with this document.
A. While there is no minimum or maximum length requirement, a candidate should be able to express their motives between 1 and 2 pages, written in English.
A.Guidelines and models for the anteproyecto are provided via email upon request at meicontactzone@gmail.com
A. Yes; however, the processing fee must also be paid and the deposit slip scanned and emailed with your application documents.
A. Yes.
A. If you are accepted into the Master’s program, the coordinator will postulate you to receive this beca if you are eligible. To be eligible, you must: i. Have a minimum of 8.0 promedio from the licenciatura. ii. Agree to full-time dedication to the Master’s degree. iii. Agree to NOT work while receiving the Beca Nacional